Friday, March 5, 2010

So, I found that hammer. In case you were wondering.

This isn't a full-fledged blog entry, mind you (something i've been very bad about updating, must get better), but rather a little follow up to my last entry (which was posted way back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth).

I was very pleased to read this article on CNN today (yes, I read CNNs web page. Religiously. I just find it much more reader-friendly than any other news website).

I am happy to hear that at least the best interest of American citizens in being considered in the debate now.

I just have to make one little point: these are NOT Bush's military commissions. I'm sick of everything wrong with our country being blamed on Bush or the Bush administration. These are the war commissions of FDR and Lincoln. Maybe if people stopped looking at them as a tool BUSH implemented and rather a tool implemented by presidents during times of war (which I believe I've already been very clear about) then we might have a little clearer view of the issues, rather than getting caught up in the partisanship.

Just saying.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I agree with you about CNN's friendly, easy website. I also read it every day as well, and my friends are always asking me, "Why are you on CNN? I never look at that site." I don't know, maybe because it's the most organized news site I've been on? And it's not Fox.