Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm watching the debate...

Obama's a bitch.

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If Saddam was still alive HE would vote for Barack Obama

I'm sure you've seen by now the headlines everywhere: The WORLD wants Barack Obama elected. I mean, Russell Brand, the host of the most recent MTV VMAs and a BRITISH CITIZEN used his time at the bully pulpit to ask Americans not to be stupid and asked them to vote Barack Obama into the White House.
He's EXACTLY who we should be taking advice from: an admitted sex addict/crazy comedian who can't even legally vote here, and has vested interest in the British realm. Did you see Forgetting Sarah Marshall? Right. I'm with THAT guy.

But it's not just Russell Brand out there stumping for the big O....oh no, Gordon Brown, the idiot Labour Prime Minister even has backed Obama as his candidate of preference. Never mind that he's breaking hundreds of years of protocol and precedent in backing any candidate in an American election. Never mind that there is a definite advantage to him backing the President that would be least likely to increase American supremacy. Hell, let's even forget what happened the last time that a British politician even seemed to back an American political candidate (cough, Gerry Adams, cough).

Ugh, the less said about Gordon Brown the better, right?

A BBC poll actually recently surveyed 22,500 people in 22 different countries and concluded that all 22 countries would prefer to see Barack Obama in the White House over John McCain -- by a margin of almost four-to-one. Countries like China, Russia, France, Lebanon, and the UAE would all prefer to deal with Barack Obama in international situations than with John McCain. Aggressor Russia, Communist China, Islamic/Oil Rich UAE, America Hating France, and Hezbollah Infested Lebanon would all vote for Barack Obama if they could. Hmmmm, wonder why?

The fact that the world wants Obama should tell us just how unsuited for the position he actually is. I mean, who in their right minds would pick a person to be the POTUS who isn't going to make America his number one priority? There is no reason for the French or the Chinese to be watching America's back. They're going to prefer someone who is more likely to increases the stability and economy and prosperity of their own regions and nations, and the two, while not always mutually exclusive, can be at loggerheads with one another.

Now, I'm not saying that Barack Obama is pro-France more than pro-America, and I'm not doubting his love for our country. I'm just saying that we shouldn't necessarily take this poll as it's headline would have us take it -- "World Wants Obama." That sounds pretty positive to me. The fact is, that MIGHT not be a good thing.

The diplomatic correspondent for BBC admitted that the poll could be a result of the media fascination with the Obama phenomenon. Because Senator Obama is far more mentioned and focused on in the international media (and, who are we kidding, the media here at home), it could be that many foreign citizens polled just don't understand what exactly McCain stands for in comparison to Obama. And, the overwhelming majority of people polled indicated that they didn't believe that foreign relations would decline should McCain be elected, simply that they would prefer Obama to be elected.

I think that the media fascination with Obama in an international setting is causing the same problems as it is here at home. A lot of people are just so uneducated about the issues that they believe whatever crap they are exposed to by MSNBC or CBS. And that is pretty darn dangerous.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Really? Sex-ed for 5 year olds?

Well kids, Sarah Palin it is (I know, I know, behind the times, but I've been too busy at work to blog. Sorry for the "duh" moment). And it turns out some people (mostly radical feminists) are not too happy with the pick. Feminazi's, however, seem to be all hot air when it comes to Palin (I think that they're just mad because, by picking Palin, McCain effectively took the gender card right out of the Dems hands).

The whole point of elections is strategy. Whose strategy will win them the big race? Whose strategy will effectively draw in voters without alienating their own people? The only reason people like Gloria Steinem (and other femenazis) are bitter about John McCain choosing Sarah Palin over Joe Lieberman is because they understand that had McCain picked Lieberman the Conservative Republican base that is so key to the GOP party would have been completely alienated by the pro-choice former Democrat, and would not have thrown their full support by McCain, effectively handing the presidency to Obama. However, to say that Palin is alienating women is completely farcical. Since announcing his running mate, John McCain has enjoyed an almost 12 point bump in the support of white women…going from trailing Obama by 4% to beating him by 8%!

When Gloria Steinem (ugh) points out the John McCain chose Sarah Palin to “please the right-wing ideologues,” she neglects to mention one thing: Barack Obama didn’t exactly choose Joe Biden to be his VP because they’re BFFs. In fact, the two exchanged some pretty bitter words while they were campaigning against each other in the primaries. But Obama knew that there were a lot of Democrats that actually for once AGREED with Republicans in thinking (rightly) that Obama didn’t have any sort of foreign policy experience to fall back on as president, and his running mate needed to have some or we were going to have some seriously trashed international relations. If that’s not trying to please the left-wingers I don’t know what is.

And speaking of experience, let’s try this one on for size: what sort of executive leadership experience in government does Sarah Palin have? She’s been the mayor of a 9,000 person town, and the governor of a state (the most popular governor in the modern history of the United States, I might add, with approval ratings consistently between 80% and 90%). What kind of governmental executive leadership has Barack Obama had? None. Zero, zip, zilch, nada. His only job in the government has been as a state Senator, and then a US Senator. But history has proven that the executive office of president is better filled by those with executive experience (like generals, others with military command positions, and governors) rather than those who COMPROMISE for a living (senators and US representatives).

Let’s face it…a community organizer has nothing to do with governmental executive power. It’s like comparing beans to grapefruits. They’re not even in the same family. And Barack Obama got into the senate and two months later was already sending out campaign feelers about running for president, not to mention he’s been on the campaign trail for the majority of his term. So can we honestly say he’s been focused on passing helpful and constructive legislation to brighten the future of America? And while in the state legislature, Obama, who touts education as one of the primary issues in the campaign and has spoken about it dogmatically, has made one significant contribution to the education reform in Illinois. Obama's one accomplishment? Legislation to teach 'comprehensive sex education' to kindergartners. Learning about sex before learning to read? Give me a break.